Wednesday, 14 November 2012

4C Looking over my questions.

"Professional enquiry is a way to learn about what you are doing while you are doing it" Reader Page 4.
Looking back at my questions they were all very aimed at my idea of a proposal which was "Should every student take Drama at secondary level". I now realise that question is quite vague and i need to channel into something more specific like an age group, ability or technique.

Im going back and looking at what I do on a daily basis. "The professional enquiry that you will be doing wil relate more to your workplace" Reader Page 4.

I will still continue to ask my original set of questions at this time as i believe they will lead me towards my next set of questions.

1 comment:

  1. Yes - this is a process of focusing on the set of questions that will create a practitioner research element within the inquiry then can then be applied back to your own professional practice. Make a start at doing this by brainstorming discussions - like theories about your practice developing the curriculum for Saturday drama and performance classes. What do you need to find out to allow you to improve what you do? As we discussed, often when developing teaching initially, we use what we know or have been trained in - but here - you have needed to plan new curriculum and have used alternatives based on evidence from your classes. What knowledge would accelerate or expand upon this already successful practice? So what would the topic be? drama/performance teaching - extracurricular - making use of and learning more about using secondary drama literature can be adapted for your groups of learners?
