Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Task 1B

Web 2.0:
I believe that Web 2.0 is a tool in which society should use and take advantage of in both the work place and socially. We are given the chance to use our voice and freedom of speech is granted at any given opportunity and with that luxury must come responsibility.
Web 2.0 is web-based community where our input isn’t screened or edited; we are the creator and the reader. Essentially we are the product.
As responsible adults (most age limits are 18+ on social networking sites) we must remember that what we say on these websites is never truly “deleted” and that the information, pictures and posts shared are then the property of the website to use in many cases for 3rd party research.
In the reader it talks of trust. That we have to put a trust into the creator, for example Wikipedia.. We have to trust that the author of the text you are reading had a level of knowledge on the chosen field.  I also believe that we need trust in our readers, that they don’t abuse the information we are providing and “steal” pictures or text from us. The simplest way around this is to not post, blog or tweet anything that we would not expect to be copied, we need to use Web 2.0 as a tool to share our ideas and concepts.
The reader comments on the architecture of participation commenting that the more people who participate the more effective the website, I agree with this, and it also the same on our blogs; the more we participate and share our ideas the more we will gain.  The same applies that the information or data should be constantly evolving to make it of interest. We can define our audience and our reading by our own choices, interests and style.
I feel that Web 2.0 is particularly helpful to those of us who are interested or want a career in the Arts, as we are the consumer and the producer and this gives us a platform to show the world our creativity and send our message out to a huge audience.

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