Friday, 30 March 2012

Task 2A Jounal

When starting my personal journal I was trying to work out what to include, then I started to think about everything in my life that effects my decisions in my career, from teaching and watching shows to a quick coffee with friends.  Thinking about my career and my future uses up a huge chunk of my day, I daydream on my walk to work my Nan questions me every time I see her and last thing at night before I fall asleep I think about what I have done that day to contribute towards my bright and successful future (hopefully). In discussions with Hannah Zapala (A fellow BAPPer) we were deciding what was relevant and if we have anything that was really of any interest to write about in our journal, but I now realise that pretty much every step of my day to day is shaping and moulding my future without me realising it. My daily (OK weekly) visits to the gym, are because of the discipline that was put upon me in college and an active effort to keep up appearances incase I have a sudden change of heart and want to perform. My weekend cocktails are usually spent mingling with people associated with “the industry” gaining knowledge from their experiences and subconsciously logging it all in my brain. I read the newspaper everyday and without realising it read the articles that effect my career and me for example teacher cut backs and student fee’s. I naturally reflect and discuss my thoughts on these things so have now decided to blog them and share them with you.
Of course I will also be writing about my teaching and interning aswell as other experiences I have in my career, but I truly believe that thought processes and adapting and discussing the changing world around us is just as relevant as my day to day working life.

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Task 1D

Less is Sometimes More

I’ve recently posted two video’s. One of a campus session from back in November which I thought could be helpful to people who weren’t at the session and the other is Task 1C, where I talk about what I hope to gain from this course.
Watching both back and reflecting on them I can see that I talk a lot!!! And need to say what I need to say in a more concise way. Less is sometimes more and like free writing where you go back and re-edit, maybe I need to do this with speech. Do a first “draft” then go back and pick out the relevant parts and make a kind of script to help keep things entertaining and thought provoking aswell as informative.

Task 1C

Group 3 Campus Session Nov 9 2011

Task 1B

Web 2.0:
I believe that Web 2.0 is a tool in which society should use and take advantage of in both the work place and socially. We are given the chance to use our voice and freedom of speech is granted at any given opportunity and with that luxury must come responsibility.
Web 2.0 is web-based community where our input isn’t screened or edited; we are the creator and the reader. Essentially we are the product.
As responsible adults (most age limits are 18+ on social networking sites) we must remember that what we say on these websites is never truly “deleted” and that the information, pictures and posts shared are then the property of the website to use in many cases for 3rd party research.
In the reader it talks of trust. That we have to put a trust into the creator, for example Wikipedia.. We have to trust that the author of the text you are reading had a level of knowledge on the chosen field.  I also believe that we need trust in our readers, that they don’t abuse the information we are providing and “steal” pictures or text from us. The simplest way around this is to not post, blog or tweet anything that we would not expect to be copied, we need to use Web 2.0 as a tool to share our ideas and concepts.
The reader comments on the architecture of participation commenting that the more people who participate the more effective the website, I agree with this, and it also the same on our blogs; the more we participate and share our ideas the more we will gain.  The same applies that the information or data should be constantly evolving to make it of interest. We can define our audience and our reading by our own choices, interests and style.
I feel that Web 2.0 is particularly helpful to those of us who are interested or want a career in the Arts, as we are the consumer and the producer and this gives us a platform to show the world our creativity and send our message out to a huge audience.

Monday, 19 March 2012


The piece of writing I published previously is a prime example of quality over quantity. I developed this paragraph in the creative writing session. It was originally 2 pages long! It pretty much said what I have said underneath just in a longer way with irrelevant examples and unnecessary explanations. I will keep this in mind when it comes to writing my essays and blogging. 
By shortening our writing we can get the point across easier and quicker without boring the reader or repeating ourselves. 

Quality or Quantity revisited.

It is expected of us in our writing to achieve a high level of quality, picking out relevant information and using our knowledge in a concise way. We can use our blogs as a tool, a tool in which quantity is encouraged in order to achieve quality for our final pieces of writing.