Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Quantity or Quality?

I admit I haven't posted as much as I could have and that frustrates me... Like most people on here I work full time and also teach in my spare time after that, but the problem that has stopped me sitting and writing my thoughts is finding that ideal "thinking space". My house is so busy that ive struggled to find a quiet time to sit with my laptop and a cup of tea and type! Which leads me to the question... Quantity or quality of our blogging? 
I know the essay (or essays in my case as I graduated 2007) is quality based but with my blogging i am trying to work out if it is more beneficial to write a little a day when i can or wait until i can completely focus and write about things of more depth with more reflection behind it?
Comments Please .......
Thanks guys. 

Sunday, 9 October 2011

Campus Summary for Group A.

Thought i'd post the link on my blog of me and Phil summarising the theory that Web 2.0 is ours to use as we please and the negatives and positives of this.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Task 1a

I was starting to Edit my C.V when I came across a bit of a issue... I have two C.V's, one for my casting work and one for my performing... I want to make the transition into casting permanatly but most of my experience is in performing... Shall I combine them to make one C.V with just the best bits?
Comments please......
Thanks Guys

Reflection on Campus Session 4/10/2011

So leading on from yesterday I wanted to summarise some of the points that were raised that I found interesting.
The internet (although an amazing tool ) has great negatives in the form of danger for the vunerable. If not used correctly it can show people in the wrong light and also lead users (mainly teenagers) to websites and chatrooms that could influence their thoughts in a negative way. There is also the fact that many believe our social skills will weaken as a generation as face to face interaction will be less which could effect people's chances of getting Jobs and making friends.
 I still strongly believe that the Internet and Web 2.0 is a positive and used in the correct way gives us a voice and an ability to share with whoever our target audience is EXACTLY what we want to say in our own voice, own language... no editors, nopublishers reading and re-reading our posts, comments and opinions, cutting and pasting and re forming till it becomes something we hardly recognise... yes this can be dangerous and offensive if used in the wrong way, but this freedom of speech is an amazing gift and I for one am very glad to have this luxury.

Friday, 30 September 2011

My First Post.

So here goes! (Feel like I need to crack open the Champagne) My first Blog! I love a good quote so i'm going to start with this one...

It has taken me years of struggle, hard work and research to learn to make one simple gesture, and I know enough about the art of writing to realise that it would take as many years of concentrated effort to write one simple beautiful sentance.
Isadora Duncan

Ive spent the evening looking at everyones blogs and am excited and inspired by the individuality of them all which I know will become even more interesting as time goes on.
Im looking forward to Oct 4th when I should meet most of you and hopefully my mind will be clearer and full of ideas.